
About Us

Supply Chain Management Services India is a company registered in Mumbai - INDIA for undertaking various services for its national and international clients to support them in Vendor Identification & Development Sourcing, Purchasing, Expediting, Inspection, Contract management, Project Review and Advisory services for industries in Oil and Gas, Refinery, Petrochemical, Fertilizers and Telecom Sectors.

We are a Firm with more than 250 man-years of experience in reputed Owner and EPC companies in India & Abroad at various levels. We can take up work on each of the groups in total as desired by client or also depute our personnel on agreed manpower rates.

We have experience of working with Major Oil & Gas, EPC companies in India. We would contribute to the Project executions and business expansion of national and international clients in India with above services for their current projects and future business expansion plans.

SCM SERVICES INDIA assists its clients based on their operational aspects. Eg: when clients are overbooked, or don't have their staff with the right competencies to manage certain tasks, we can easily replace them seamlessly. Our team works with clients in a collaborative mode with scope of work clearely defined. This is the best way to ensure that the proposed solution will be owned by client’s team and forms the key to success for any task.

Company Registration Details
Registration no. : 02 / 18626
Service Tax No : ASLPS9710LSD001
Pan No. ASLPS9710L